»Succes is connected competence«

Welcome to Reineke-Partner GmbH!

You are looking for a prominent personality, who gives a face to your brand, who hosts your events or inspires your guests with a riveting presentation - then we are the right match for you!

We have been active in the industry of Celebrity Consulting for over 15 years and support our clients, partners and business costumers to fulfill all their goals.

With this network we open up possibilities in the branches of PR in constructive and innovative ways.

We are looking forward to your call!

040 726 99 159

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Rekordverdächtig : Guinness World Records Schiedsrichterin Lena Kuhlmann

Mit Weitblick durch den Dschungel: Wissenschaftsmoderatorin Dr. Ina Knobloch

Mit "Grow & Glow" für Frauen

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